Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Anijou Academy: Post Valentine Cosplay Cafe

"Okairenasai! Goshujin-sama, Ojou-sama"

"Welcome home master, mistress", greetings from the Anijins.

It's the second year that Anigumi Joukai partnered with Brew Burgers for the Valentine's Cosplay Cafe. In this year's event, the theme was seifukus and gakurans. Instead of seeing maids serving like last year's, Anijou had school girls and boys in uniforms serving omurice, katsudon and teriyaki.

The Official Poster for the event
Art by Sam Suansing

The official poster was released days before the event with Love in it. One of the resident artists of the guild, Sam Suansing, designed and did the layout for this event. 

The bookmarks/tickets were really cute which made everybody got excited to have their own. This bookmark serves as the customer's meal ticket. Each ticket is comes with a meal and a drink. This is the third bookmark which was designed for the cosplay cafe. This is the second time that Love & Struck were redesigned for the cosplay cafe too. 

Posters as Menu

It was also easier to have the menu posted on the walls for more convenience. It was made and designed by Sun Amargo and her friend. They did this art on the spot before the cosplay cafe started. 
Beef Teriyaki, Californian Maki, Katsudon, Omurice and Tori/Katsu Curry Rice were the meal of the day with Ice Tea. Your P120 is definitely worth it with their big servings at Brew. Californian Maki and Omurice with sausages were the first to be sold out. Katsudon was the choice of many. Chopsticks were also available at that time to those who would really want to fully experience it the japanese way. 
Katsudon ordered by Lanz

There were 12 servers who did their best that day. Supposedly there were 3 shifts but due to the flooding of customers, the crews were divided into two shifts. 

Brew was never full more than it was that afternoon. Last year's maid cafe had 89 sales but it was topped by this year's cafe. There were a total of 140 sold tickets in just a matter of 5 hours. More or less 120 out of 140 tix were all reserved days before the event. 
Jherben Lagon along with his fellow  Future Doctors visited the Cosplay Cafe 
Denz going for second round at Brew

Ai-chan doesn't care any less

The guys serenaded the crowd
nearest to farthest: GJ, Ivan, Pepo, Brendan

Games and prizes were planned for that event but due to overwhelming flood of customers, the planned flow of the cafe was not fulfilled. But the event was entertained by Robin Ivan Yap, Pepo, Gj Loreno and Brendan Apuan. They played different songs and even had the customers sang with them. Co souffle and Chill Bros were there selling key chains, bookmarks, wigs, kawaii glasses, etc.

Anijou's 4th cosplay cafe was a chaos in a good way. An overwhelming number of customers made their way that afternoon to Brew Burgers. 

Let's end the talk here and why not take a glimpse of the fun we had on our recent cosplay cafe.

Photo Credits Thongenn Lanz Patiam and Sylvester Ichon
Video Credits Sylvester Ichon

(c) Lee Mizuumi


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